Digital support for the bus driver
Monitor your own bus with a smartphone.
Thanks to the digital services in the OMNIplus ON online portal, bus company operators can drive more efficiently in future. With OMNIplus ON drive, the driver can receive support with the departure monitoring process and record and report any damage directly to the garage with a smartphone.
Carrying out departure checks
OMNIplus ON drive has finally got there: The driver is systematically guided through a typical sectoral departure check for the bus. The results can be documented in detail with photos, text and audio. Damage discovered can be planned for repair in the near future. And that independent of the vehicle location. Nothing gets lost in the system! A telematics connection is not needed here. The system can be extended to include buses of all brands.
Checklist guidance
OMNIplus ON drive can do a lot more than just what is legally required. For every vehicle, individual checklists can be requested from the scheduler or regular driver. The driver can then work through these point by point before or after work. This also works practically and simply via smartphone. Whether it's the cleaning of the interior or refilling water containers, nothing can be forgotten anymore. A comprehensive damage documentation with text, photo and audio is also provided in OMNIplus ON drive.
Referring to operating manuals online
Online manuals as PDF documents are nothing new. However, OMNIplus ON drive is now going a step further, offering interactive “Bus Guides” alongside the classic PDF versions. This simplifies the search for a particular bit of information. The online operating manuals can easily be referred to on a computer and with a smartphone. They can be viewed in German and English – from anywhere. The individual chapters for each bus type are intuitively divided up. Through the simple menu, topics can simply be clicked on. Here, the topic being searched for at the present time is the only thing made visible – nothing extraneous. No tedious leafing through a heap of papers or scrolling down a long PDF. Also available for example: additional manuals for the Coach Multimedia System, maintenance instructions or traditional PDF manuals. In addition, your own documents can be uploaded.
Online “black board”
Who still remembers this? Important information for company employees are put up on a black board in the headquarters. The problem: nobody knows whether anyone has even read the information. Now the black board is also digital: in the service area of OMNIplus ON drive. Here, current information can be entered that is relevant for drivers and employees. They can then be recalled on a smartphone in real time. It’s practical. The scheduler can see if the information has actually been viewed. In this way, time and money can be saved, because a lot of burdensome paperwork is eliminated.